Animal PsychAromatica Wellness Journey

This is an in-depth assessment of your animal, helping you to understand the root cause to your animals’ problems or difficulties, using the effective animal wellness system known as Animal PsychAromatica. I view the body as a whole, taking into consideration your animal’s lifestyle, nutrition and their physical, mental and emotional aspects, ensuring that I can support each unique individual. I will create a personalised plan specifically for your animal to aid in their overall health & wellbeing by working with holistic healing methods and Chinese medicine principles, working from the root cause. We work together to reduce stress for your animal by offering aromatic botanicals for self selection, boosting their body’s ability to self heal. Working to create positive, meaningful changes to your animal’s health and wellbeing through understanding their unique needs. You as their guardian are a big part of this journey, as I will work directly with you to support your animal.

Ways this can help:

  • Helps to heal & release trauma. 
  • Support physical, emotional and behavioural conditions. 
  • Rebalance their body’s energetic systems & boost their body’s ability to self-heal.
  • Improve your animal’s overall health & wellbeing. 
  • Give’s your animal a voice, to select the specific healing botanicals they need.
  • Reduces stress in the body and mind.
  • Boost and strengthen your animal’s immune system
  • And much more!

How it works:

Once I have received payment, I will send you a questionnaire to fill out for your animal, so I have the relevant information for their consultation. Along with examples of the photos needed.

I will then carry out an in-depth assessment of your animal which will be carried out remotely via a photograph of them. You do not need to be present when I do this and can go about your day as normal.

I will type up a detailed report of my findings along with the aromatic botanicals your animal is in need of, any nutritional/management adjustments and the plan moving forward. I will email this to you, to read through in your own time along with the appropriate guide sheets & videos on how to offer and use the suggested botanicals.

I will make up the bespoke botanicals for your animal and post them out to you so you can make a start on this transformative journey.

I will be available via email for you to keep me updated on their progress and to contact if you have any questions, need any clarification or support.

Included is two follow up assessments, to reassess their progress, see if anything has shifted and adjust their botanicals as needed or any other necessary tweaks that are needed to carry on the healing process. This typically happens around 2 – 4 weeks after the initial assessment.

I will then be available for additional follow up sessions, if needed, after their last check in/assessment with me to help continue their healing journey, nurturing longer lasting healing results & overall wellness for your animal friend.

Follow up for further/additional assessment, within 4 weeks of last check in is £60.00. This includes one set of botanicals.

What’s included?

Traditional Chinese medicine assessment of your animal

Meridian balance assessment (helps to give me a picture of the energetic imbalances within the body)

Nutritional and lifestyle/management adjustments/changes, if needed.

Bespoke botanical kit, as needed. (Up to three sets)

Detailed report of my findings.

Two follow-up assessments to reassess their progress, see what has shifted and adjust their botanicals as needed.

Guide sheets and videos (if necessary) on how to work with the specific botanicals your animal needs.

Ongoing Email support throughout the process.

Price £135.00

To start your animals wellness journey please contact me

Please note – Animals have the innate ability to know what they need in order to stay healthy. And by offering your animal aromatic botanicals for self-selection, we reduce the stressors in their life, by giving them back choice, so they have the opportunity to heal, and self medicate. Therefore, the aromatic botanicals I suggest are on a self selection basis and never forced upon any animal.